General Description and Program Goals

World Mission University offers a Master of Divinity degree requiring 79 semester hours of credit. The Master of Divinity program is designed primarily for those who expect to enter the ministry. The degree program incurs three academic years and requires 79 semester hours of credit. As many as 39 semester credits may be transferred from another institution.

The goals of the Master of Divinity program are to prepare students for diverse ministries in ministry field.


Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this degree, students will be able:

  • To exhibit knowledge of Scripture and proper use of exegetical methods. (scripture)
  • To demonstrate the application and practice of the Christian faith for social transformation through personal development and spiritual formation. (Spirituality)
  • To demonstrate the ability to think theologically by understanding the knowledge of the Christian faith and tradition. (Christian Tradition)
  • To understand the particularity of cultural context and apply God’s eternal word to a changing world and to particular individuals and congregations. (Culture)
  • To demonstrate effective ministry skills within their professional ministry contexts (Ministry Skills)


Course Titles and Level
All courses at the Masters level are numbered 500 – 699. Course descriptions are provided in this catalog.

Degree Requirements: 79 Credits

Biblical Studies: 12 credits

BL501 Greek I (3 credits)

BT501 Introduction to Old Testament (3 credits)

BT502 Introduction to New Testament (3 credits)

BT503 Hermeneutics (3 credits)

Theological/Historical Studies: 19 credits

BT531 Biblical Theology (3 credits)

HS501 Church History (3 credits)

ST502 Systematic Theology I (3 credits)

ST503 Systematic Theology II (3 credits)

ST509 Contemporary Ethical Issues (3 credits)

ST510 Faith and Reason (3 credits)

ST518 Information Literacy (1 credit)

Practical Ministry Studies: 36 credits

CC513 Principles and Practice of Christian Counseling (3 credits)

IS504 Theology of Mission   (3 credits)

IS514 Leadership Development   (3 credits)

IS537 Multicultural Ministry   (3 credits)

PT514 Expository Preaching   (3 credits)

PT516 Discipleship and Small Group   (3 credits)

PT524 Preaching Practicum   (3 credits)

PT530 Pastoral Ministry   (3 credits)

PT540 Ministry and Technology   (3 credits)

PT542 Spiritual Formation and Discipline   (3 credits)

PT545 Spiritual Formation and Coaching   (3 credits)

WS505 Modern Worship   (3 credits)

Field Education: 6 credits

PT623-624 Ministry Practicum I-II (1.5 credits each)

PT685-690 Student Chapel I-VI (.5 credit each)

Open Elective: 6 credits

Graduation Examination: 0 credit

PT610 Comprehensive Bible Exam (0 credit)


Graduation Requirements
To graduate from the Master of Divinity degree program, the student is required to complete a minimum of 79 semester credits and write a Ministry project. A minimum of 40 units must be completed at WMU and the remaining 39 units may be satisfied through transfer credit. The student must have a GPA of 2.5 or above. MDiv students must pass a comprehensive Bible exam before graduation.

To complete the program, a Ministry project must be submitted and approved by the graduation committee. The student will register for the course PT606 Ministry Project during the final year of the program and submit a prospectus and outline of the project for faculty approval. The school will assign an academic supervisor according to the topic of the project. The student will write a Ministry project on a topic which the student is interested and desires to further develop under the guidance of the supervisor. The length of the Ministry project will be approximately 50 pages of text, double-spaced. The Ministry project will meet the writing standards of World Mission University.


Field Education

World Mission University is committed to equipping students to become full-time ministers or lay leaders in Christian ministry. In order to serve God more effectively, all students at World Mission University are required to participate in ministry outside of the classroom experience.