General Description and Program Goals
The Master of Arts in Worship Studies provides training in the knowledge and practice of Christian worship from diverse perspectives – theological, historical, missiological, and ministerial. Students will be equipped for effective leadership in promoting worship experience in diverse styles through this program designed primarily for current and future worship leaders/pastors, worship educators, evangelists/missionaries, etc.
The goals of the Master of Arts in Worship Studies program is to prepare students for professional worship ministries.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this degree, students will be able to:
- A biblical and theological foundation understanding. (Biblical/theological foundation)
- Personal and spiritual maturity as a church leader. (Leadership and spiritual formation)
- A theological and historical understanding of worship. (theological/historical worship understanding)
- Effective leadership skills in worship ministry. (Worship Leadership formation)
- The ability to design and lead corporate worship. (Worship ministry/practice)
Graduation Requirements
To graduate from the Master of Arts in Worship Studies program, the student is required to have completed a minimum of 34 semester credits of course work with a 2.5 GPA or above. At least 20 credits must be completed at World Mission University.
Course Titles and Level
All courses at the Master level are numbered 500 – 699. Course descriptions are provided in this catalog.
Degree Requirements (34 Credits)
The MA in Worship Studies requires 34 semester credits of course work comprising 6 semester credits of Biblical/Theological studies, 3 semester credits of leadership, 21 credits of worship studies, and 4 semester credits of field education.