General Description and Program Goal
The Master of Arts in Worship Studies degree is a two-year program designed to provide opportunities for advanced study in Worship Ministries so that graduates may use their worship talents to serve the Church and the world. Graduates will be qualified to serve as a worship leader, a worship pastor, worship instructors, and performers. The MA in Worship Studies program requires 37 semester credits. As many as 18 semester credits of graduate work may be transferred from another institution.
The goal of the Master of Arts in Worship Studies program is to prepare students for professional worship ministries.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this degree, students will be able to:
- A biblical and theological foundation understanding. (Biblical/theological foundation)
- Personal and spiritual maturity as a church leader. (Leadership and spiritual formation)
- A theological and historical understanding of worship. (theological/historical worship understanding)
- Effective leadership skills in worship ministry. (Worship Leadership formation)
- The ability to design and lead corporate worship. (Worship ministry/practice)
Course Titles and Level
All courses at the Master level are numbered 500 – 699. Course descriptions are provided in this catalog.
Degree Requirements: 37 credits
The MA in Worship Studies requires 37 semester credits of course work comprising 6 semester credits of Biblical/Theological studies and 3 semester credits of leadership and spiritual formation and 12 credits of worship theology and history and 12 credits of worship ministry and spirituality.
Biblical/ Theological Studies: 6 credits
BT501 Introduction to Old Testament OR (3 credits)
BT502 Introduction to New Testament (3 credits)
ST502 Systematic Theology I OR (3 credits)
ST503 Systematic Theology II (3 credits)
Leadership and Spiritual Formation: 3credits
IS514 Leadership Development (3 credits)
Worship Theology and History: 12 credits
WS502 Art of Worship (3 credits)
WS504 Theology of Worship (3 credits)
WS505 Modern Worship (3 credits)
WS513 Liturgy and Worship History (3 credits)
Worship Ministry and spirituality: 12 credits
WS516 Worship Spirituality and Worshiper (3 credits)
WS517 Praise Leading and Worship Team Ministry (3 credits)
WS518 Inductive Bible Study of Worship & Praise (3 credits)
WS520 Worship Ministry and Leadership (3 credits)
Field Education: 4 credits
PT661 Supervised Ministry I (1 credit)
PT662 Supervised Ministry II (1 credit)
PT685-688 Student Chapel I-IV (.5 credit each)
Application Documents
The following documents must be submitted to apply for the MAWS program:
- Application Form and Non-refundable Application Fee
- Testimony (included in application)
- One reference (included in application)
- Official transcript(s) from the previous school (in English)
Admissions Consultation
Tel: (213) 388-1000 Myoung Uk Lee (Manager of Admissions).
(Korea) 010-8673-0665 Professor, Jin Soo Ga. Email: