General Description and Program Goal

World Mission University offers a Master of Arts in Music requiring 41 semester hours of credit. This program is a two-year program designed to provide opportunities for advanced study in music so that graduates may use their musical talents to serve the Church and the world. Graduates will be qualified to serve as directors of music, private music instructors, and performers

The goal of the Master of Arts in Music program is to prepare students for music ministries.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this degree, students will be able to:

  • Integrate Bible/theology and music critically;
  • Exhibit a substantial and growing spiritual and personal maturity as a musician;
  • Demonstrate practical performance skills in conducting, praise ministry, voice, and instrument;
  • Demonstrate ability to influence and lead others in church music;
  • Demonstrate advanced understanding of art music in the Western European tradition; and
  • Demonstrate advanced understanding of music styles as discovered in musical analysis.



Students who do not have a BA in music must take 9 credits of BA-level prerequisite courses.  The following courses are required:

MT151  Musicianship I (2 credits)

MT255  Keyboard Harmony I (2 credits)

MH343  Music History (3 credits)

MP171  Individual Instruction I (2 credits)

For students who do not have a BA in music, but do have college-level music instruction, they will meet with the music program director to assess which prerequisites may still be needed.


Course Titles and Level

All courses at the Masters level are numbered 500 – 699. Course descriptions are provided in this catalog.

Degree Requirements: 41 Credits

The MA in Music requires 41 semester credits of course work comprising of 6 semester credits of Biblical/Theological studies and 4 credits of field education, and 31 semester credits of Professional Studies.

Biblical/ Theological Studies: 6 credits

BT501 Introduction to Old Testament OR (3 credits)

BT502 Introduction to New Testament (3 credits)

ST502 Systematic Theology I OR (3 credits)

ST503 Systematic Theology II (3 credits)

Field Education: 4 credits

PT661-662 Supervised Ministry I-II (1 credit each)

PT685-688 Student Chapel I-IV  (.5 credit each)


Professional Studies: 31 credits

Core Courses: 14 credits

MC524 Church Music History (3 credits)

MC546 Spiritual Leadership and Ministry of Praise (3 credits)

MH543 Seminar in Music History (3 credits)

MT551 Analytical Study of Music (3 credits)

MP685 Graduate Recital (2 credits)

Choir (Choose 2): 2 credits

ME533 Chamber Choir I and (1 credit)

ME534 Chamber Choir II OR

ME512 Gospel Choir I and (1 credit)

ME514 Gospel Choir II (1 credit)


Individual Instruction: 6 credits                                  

Performance (Conducting, Instruments and Voice)

MP591 Individual Instruction I (2 credits)

MP592 Individual Instruction II (2 credits)

MP691 Individual Instruction III (2 credits)


Praise and Worship

MP591 Individual Instruction I (2 credits)

MP592 Individual Instruction II (2 credits)

MP691 Individual Instruction III  (2 credits)

Open Electives: 9 credits

MC553 Praise and Worship (all) (3 credits)

MD523 Choral Conducting I(all) (3 credits)

MD534 Band Directing (all) (3 credits)

MD596 Choral Literature (Cond) (3 credits)

MD597 Choral Technique (Cond) (3 credits)

ME545 Group Ensemble (Praise) (3 credits)

ME 578 Chamber Music Ensemble (3 credits)

MI 578 Chamber Music Literature (3 credits)

MV563 Special Studies in Song Literature (3 credits)

MV567 Voice Pedagogy (3 credits)


Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the Master of Arts in Music program, the student is required to have completed a minimum of 41 semester credits of coursework with a 2.5 GPA or above.  As many as 20 semester credits of graduate work may be transferred from another institution. A minimum of 21 units must be completed at WMU.

Students must present a full recital and receive a passing grade. The recital will be done in Individual Instruction III. In addition, students in Choral Conducting and Vocal must pass a Keyboard Proficiency Examination before graduation.


Field Education

World Mission University is committed to equipping students to become full-time ministers or lay leaders in Christian ministry. In order to serve God more effectively, all students at World Mission University are required to participate in ministry outside of the classroom experience.