Total CreditsSpecial Requirements

General Description and Program Goals

The purpose of the Doctor of Worship Studies (DWS) program is to provide an academic environment for worship practitioners to engage in intensive study of Christian worship from theological and cultural perspectives so as to creatively meet the demands of the 21st-century evangelical worship ministry. The DWS program is designed for practicing and experienced worship professionals who are devoted to critically reflect on the multiple roles they play in both within their ministry setting and in the broader community.


Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the Doctor of Worship Studies will be able to

    1. Articulate an evangelical theology of worship that integrates ways in which culture shapes expressions of worship.
    2. Design and promote creative worship experience in various settings based on the demands of contemporary worship ministry.
    3. Critically reflect on the multiple roles they play with a life-long commitment to leadership and spiritual formation.
    4. Evaluate scholarly research related to worship and worship ministry with a view to improving their own ministry.


Pre-Requisite Courses

To all applicants, at least 15 credits (5 courses) of pre-requisites (9 credits of theological courses and 6 credits of worship studies courses) are required. If the applicant has completed pre-requisites in their master’s degree program, these can be waived. 

BT501 Introduction to Old Testament (3 credits)

BT502 Introduction to New Testament (3 credits)

ST502 Systematic Theology I OR

ST503 Systematic Theology   II (3 credits)

WS504 Theology of Worship (3 credits)

WS505 Modern Worship (3 credits)


Degree Requirements: 34 Credits

Required Courses

Praise and Worship Seminar

WS 710 Worship Theology and History (4 credits)

WS 720 Modern Worship and Culture (4 credits)

WS 730 Music in Worship (4 credits)

WS 740 Issues in Worship Ministry (4 credits)

WS 750 Planning and Leading Worship (4 credits)

Spirituality and Leadership Seminar

WS 760 Spiritual Formation for the Worship Leader (4 credits)

WS 770 Leadership Formation for the Worship Leader (4 credits)

Project Thesis

WS 780 Research and Writing (2 credits)

WS 790 Dissertation (4 credits)


DWS Program Course Descriptions

  1. Modern Worship Studies (20 credits):

WS 710 Theology of Worship (4 credits)

An advanced theological study of Christian worship from the broad evangelical perspective, based on biblical texts and historical developments and oriented towards today’s corporate worship experiences.

WS 720 Modern Worship and Culture (4 credits)

An intensive critical study of how culture informs and shapes expressions of Christian worship, with special attention to fostering an advanced understanding of cultural diversity and changes as well as methods of contextualization.

WS 730 Music in Worship (4 credits)

An advanced historical and critical study of the use and function of music in the evangelical worship, with special attention to helping worship leaders evaluate traditional and contemporary approaches to corporate singing.

WS 740 Issues in Worship Ministry (4 credits)

An in-depth, analytical study of the current and emerging issues in worship ministry in the 21st-century evangelical community, designed to enable the worship leader to draw key insights and practices from contemporary leaders in the field.

WS 750 Planning and Leading Worship (4 credits)

An extensive examination of the framework for planning and leading corporate worship in a variety of settings, with special attention to adapting different patterns of worship and addressing practical issues.


  1. Spirituality and Leadership Studies (8 credits):

WS 760 Spiritual Formation for the Worship Leader (4 credits)

An in-depth look at the nature and process of spiritual formation, designed to help the worship leader devote to a life-long, personal spiritual journey and be instrumental in leading others into enriching worship experiences

WS 770 Pastoral Worship and Worship Community (4 credits)

An in-depth look at the nature and process of leadership formation, designed to help the worship leader devote to a life-long, professional leadership development for greater impact in leading worship ministry in diverse settings.


  1. Dissertation related: (6 credits):

 WS 780 Research and Writing (2 credits)

An advanced study of research methods, writing styles, and bibliography particularly pertaining to worship studies.

WS 790 Dissertation (4 credits)

The preparation of a dissertation in worship and worship ministry under the supervision of a faculty member.


Admissions Policies

Students applying for the Doctor of Worship program at World Mission University must have a Master of Worship (MAWS) or a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or equivalent.



All applicants to WMU must willingly agree upon the educational philosophy and the policy of WMU that is based on the beliefs of Christianity.

Applicants should have at least 5 years of ministry experience in local church pastoring, mission work or worship ministry. Applicants who do not satisfy this requirement require an interview and screening after consultation.

WMU does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, or any other programs or activities.

The following documents must be included in the application process.


Admission requirements

1. The application form and a non-refundable application fee.
2. Testimony
3. Two references
4. Ministry Statement, Ministry Time-line table.
5. Official transcripts from all post-secondary educational institutions attended
6. Photo (taken within 6 months) (uploaded to the application)
7. Dissertation Outline (1 page)
8. GPA of 3.0 or higher (out of 4.0) from an accredited school, MA in Worship Studies or MDiv, or equivalent degree holders or graduates.
9. Master of Divinity degree or a MA in Worship Studies, and for other MA graduates, a minimum of 9 credits in Theology is required.

To apply, go to, click on the appropriate application, fill it out, and click the submit button. Once submitted, application materials will not be returned. For more information about the application process, please contact or call (213) 388-1000 (Ext. 131).


Time Limits for Completion of Degree

The program is a minimum of three years in length and requires the completion of seven (four semester hour) courses plus the completion of a Professional Dissertation Project.


Graduation Requirements

Successfully complete and pass each of the 7 courses with an average grade of a B.  Students are allowed only two B- grades.  When a student earns a third B- in a course, he/she will be dismissed from the school. Student must complete a Professional Dissertation Project and receive a pass grade.


Dissertation project

Students will demonstrate academic and practical learning through completion of a professional dissertation project.  They will conduct research, develop and write their project in a ministry practice field of interest.  The project will be a minimum of 100 pages and a maximum of 150 pages in length.  Information on the professional dissertation project is available in the doctoral program office.


Doctoral Program Office

World Mission University

500 Shatto Pl. Suite 400

Los Angeles, CA 90020

Phone: (213) 388-1000/ Fax: (213) 385-2332


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