Application for Admission
Degree Academic


Performance Related Credits Graduation Fulfillment Credits Total Credits
DMA 18 21 7 46

Admissions Policies

Students who apply for the Doctoral program must hold a three-year Master of Arts in Music degree or its academic equivalent.


Application Requirements

All applicants to WMU must willingly agree upon the educational philosophy and the policy of WMU that is based on the beliefs of Christianity.

WMU does not discriminate based on sex, race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, or any other programs or activities.


Admission Requirements

  1. The application form and a non-refundable application fee;
  2. Testimony (included in application);
  3. Two references; 
  4. A copy of current Professional/Performance Resume
  5. Official transcripts from all post-secondary educational institutions attended; 
  6. Photo (taken within 6 months) (uploaded to the application)
  7. An earned MAM degree or the equivalent with at least a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) from an accredited institution.


DMA Program Office Music Department

World Mission University
500 Shatto Pl. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90020

Phone: (213) 388-1000/ Fax: (213) 385-2332
Home Web Page:
Music Department Web Page:


Audition Information

Requirements and Process are as follows:

  1. Applicants will submit a repertoire list,
  2. Performance video which demonstrates various musical styles will be submitted in the recommended media file format, and
  3. After a careful review of all the materials, students will be invited to have an interview.


Admissions Process

Once the student submits the application and the supporting documents, the Admissions Office reviews the documents and confirms the completion of each applicant’s file.  The application and records are submitted to the admissions committee for evaluation based on the following criteria:

  • Evaluation of prior academic performance and the ability to successfully complete the academic program;
  • Recommendations; 
  • Additional materials are required for Music applicants; and
  • Interview with program director

Applicants will be officially notified by mail.


Transfer Credit Policy

  1. A maximum of six semester hours of credit is eligible for transfer,
  2. Transfer credits are granted only from accredited institutions (such as ATS accredited),
  3. The student must have earned a grade of “B” or higher in the courses to be credited,
  4. No transfer credit is given for Major/Minor lessons or ensemble taken at another institution. Academic credit, such as music history or music theory, may be eligible for transfer,
  5. Students should submit an official transcript and other supporting documentation (such as papers, projects, assignments, a syllabus, etc.) upon request for an approval,
  6. Student should submit a request form and have it approved by both the department chair and DMA director, and
  7. Additional situations concerning the transfer of credit can be further discussed in person with the DMA director.



General Description and Program Goals
The Doctor of Musical Arts in Church Music is an advanced professional program offering proficient level studies in performance, research, and other related academic areas 

The goals of the Doctor of Musical Arts in Church Music programs are:

  • To equip students with intellectual, spiritual, and practical ability to be efficient leaders for communities they belong to.
  • To prepare students for becoming spiritual and inspiring educators to teach music leaders 

Through 46 credits of in-depth study, students will be growing intellectually and mature spiritually and be more than ready to serve as confident leaders in various areas of church music ministry. 


Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this degree, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate performance competence at the highest possible level in their major area (Conducting, Piano & Other Instruments, Voice, and Contemporary).
  • Acquire highest level scholarly knowledge on historical development of music and demonstrate professional leadership as music leaders.
  • Demonstrate comprehensive expertise in related fields such as musicology and literature.
  • Demonstrate high proficiency in verbal communication of musical concepts and literary capability needed for music research.


Pre-Requisite Courses

Introduction to Doctoral Studies

MC524 Church Music History (3 credits)

MH543 Seminar in Music History OR

MT551 Music Analysis (3 credits)


Degree Requirements: 46 Credits

The program requires the completion of 8 courses (24 academic credits) and other requirements (22 performance related credits).


Required Courses

Music History and Theory: 18 credits

MC711 Church Music Research (3 credits)

MC713 Church Music Philosophy and Music Ministry (3 credits)

MH712 World Music Seminar (3 credits)

MH713 Seminar in Music History (3 credits)

MT711   Music Literature and Analysis (3 credits)

MT712 Advanced Pedagogy (3 credits)

Performance Related Courses: 21 credits

MP716 Performance Seminar I (3 credits)

MP717 Performance Seminar II (3 credits)

MP711-714 Major Lesson I, II, III & IV (2 credits each)

MP721-722 Minor Lesson I, II (2 credits each)

Ensemble (choose one): 

ME711-713 Ensemble Choir I, II, III (1 credit each)  


ME721-723 Band Ensemble I, II, III (1 credit each)

Graduation Requirements: 7 credits

MH751 Research Design (1 credit)

MH752 DMA Paper (2 credits)

MP753 DMA Degree Recital (2 credits)

MP754 DMA Lecture Recital (2 credits)

MH755 DMA Comprehensive Examinations (0 credit)

Minor Lesson Options for each Major student (Choose one or two)

Conducting: Worship Vocal, Voice, Composition, Piano

Piano: Jazz Piano, Conducting, Voice

Voice: Conducting, Guitar, Jazz Piano

Worship Arts: Worship Vocal, Guitar, Piano, Composition.