General Description 

World Mission University offers an Associate degree Christian Counseling requiring 60 semester hours of credit. The program requires two academic years and is designed to equip students for effective lay ministries. The goal of the program is to help students attain a fundamental grounding in general educations, Biblical Studies, and practical ministry skills.


Program Goals

The goals of the Associate of the Arts in Christian Counseling are to:

  • To prepare students for transferring to Bachelor programs.
  • To prepare students for helping professional ministers through various roles in church and Christian organization.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the degree, students will be able to:

  •  Integrate broad knowledge in general education for a Christian worldview.
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of Scripture, proper use of hermeneutics, and ability to communicate the Gospel.
  • Exhibit spiritual maturity as a Christian leader.
  • Demonstrate the basic theoretical understandings and practical abilities for counseling.


Graduation Requirements

The Associate of the Arts in Christian Counseling degree program requires the completion of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit, and demonstration of Christian character. Credits can be a combination of transfer credits and completion of course work with a Grade Point Average of C (2.0). At least 21 credits must be in General Education.

Degree Requirements: 60 credits

General Education: 21 credits

HS203 Christianity and Civilization (3 credits)

LA101 Introduction to Philosophy (3 credits)

LA103 Introduction to Sociology (3 credits)

LA167 College Writing (3 credits)  

LA169 Informational Literacy (3 credits)

LA173 Communication (3 credits)

LA181 Introduction to Science (3 credits)

Biblical/Theological Studies: 12 credits

BT117 New Testament Survey (3 credits)

BT118 Old Testament Survey (3 credits)

BT225 Bible Hermeneutics and Teaching Methods (3 credits)

BT231 Spiritual Formation and Soul Care (3 credits)

Major: 15 credits

CC115 Essential Qualities of a Christian Counselor (3 credits)

CC215 Family Life Ministry (3 credits)

CC 325 Parenting and Child Guidance (3 credits)

CC412 Counseling Theory and Techniques (3 credits)

CH 202 Christian Coaching (3 credits)

Christian Service/Chapel: 2 credits

PT111 Student Ministry I (.5 credit) 

PT211-213 Student Chapel I-III (.5 credit each)

Open Elective: 10 credits


Field Education

World Mission University is committed to equipping students to become full-time ministers or lay leaders in Christian ministry. In order to serve God more effectively, all students at World Mission University are required to participate in ministry outside of the classroom experience.


Student Ministry

Associate Degree Program students are required to complete three semesters of student ministry. Students will earn half a credit for each semester.  

Student ministry courses are graded pass/ non-pass. Student Ministry “PT111” must be taken beginning with the first semester of enrollment at WMU and must be taken consecutively.  Students register for the course during registration and must also submit the Student Ministry Registration Form.  

For transfer students, the number of semesters he/she must register for student ministry depends on the number of credits the student transferred and has remaining to complete their degree program.  A general rule for transfer students is for every 30 credits remaining the student must register and successfully complete one student ministry course.  

At the end of the semester in order to pass the student ministry course, the following forms are to be submitted to the student ministry professor. The Ministry Supervisor Evaluation Form and the Student Self-evaluation Form.  If a student fails to submit these forms, they cannot pass and must retake the student ministry course.


Student Chapel

Associate Degree Program students are required to register and complete three semesters of student chapel. Students will earn half a credit for each semester.  

Student chapel is graded pass/non-pass. Student Chapel “PT211-213” must be taken beginning with the first semester of enrollment at WMU and must be taken consecutively.  Students register for the course during registration.

In order to pass the student chapel, students must not miss it more than three times. 

Students must ensure that they register for online chapel.  Students who register for online chapel must follow the regulations of the online chapel.